Here is a small variety of different surveys and reports of Women in construction, in skilled trades and in corporate America; of contractors; and of employees which help to shine a light on some recruitment and retention issues and gaps that are still present.
•This link leads to two surveys that were conducted by Ontario Building and Construction Tradeswomen (OBCT) Committee, Canada in 2021, made possible by a government grant: a) “OBCT Tradeswomen Survey” and also b) “OBCT Leadership Survey” for contractors, supervision, leaders regarding tradeswomen in their employ. https://www.obctradeswomen.com/research
• 2021 U.S. based Institute on Women’s Policy Research (IWPR)- “Tradeswomens’ Retention and Advancement Survey - Future Building…”was filled out by over 2600 tradeswomen. https://iwpr.org/iwpr-publications/a-future-worth-building-report/
• LeanIn.org and McKinsey & Company’s “Women in the Workplace” 2021 Survey of over 65, 000 women in corporate America dealing with biases and diversity, equity and inclusion issues (DEI). https://womenintheworkplace.com/?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=You+re+Invited+-+2022+Women+in+the+Workplace+Study+by+LeanIn+Org+and+McKinsey+%26+Company&utm_campaign=WIW+Survey+invitation+-+Kick-off
• CBTU (Canadian Building Trades Unions) refers to stats from IWPR’s 2021 survey report (listed above)
in pushing for legislative change this year in “CBTU’s National Childcare Program: Making Childcare Accessible for Canada’s Skilled Tradespeople” 2021.
https://buildingtrades.ca/wp-content/uploads/members_directory/EN-National-Childcare-Recommendations-FINAL.pdf• ThinkAthena 2021 “Sexual Safety of Women in Construction Impact Release”.
**Note: ThinkAthena was based in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada but has since shutdown in 2022. This Impact Release is what is left to be found. Please keep sharing its information so that all of their hardwork to bring the survey to light doesn’t get lost in the background. **
• Also, here is a massive company survey report by global mining company Rio Tinto who surveyed 10, 303 (nearly 23%) of their total workforce of 42, 450 employees.
• Also, here is a massive company survey report by global mining company Rio Tinto who surveyed 10, 303 (nearly 23%) of their total workforce of 42, 450 employees.
Rio Tinto’s 2021 “Everyday Respect Report” has resulted in 26 recommendations addressing bullying, harrassment, sexual harrassment, and other issues in their work culture affecting recruitment and retention including racism and biases, etc. They’ve begun a major overhaul of their work culture to change things around for their company.